Khamis, 5 Julai 2012


Doing easily what others find it difficult is talent; doing what is impossible for talent is genius!


A broken watch is right two times a day
Meaning : A person who is wrong will eventually be right about something

English Dictionary -- Q & A

Q : What's the meaning for the word 'Thus'?

A : 
1 : as a result or consequence of this; therefore.
2 : in the manner now being indicated or exemplified; in this way.
3 : to this point; so.

Ahad, 13 Mei 2012

Question & Answer

Q : What's the difference between 'HEAR' and 'LISTEN'?


Listen is used to talk about or describe sounds that are being made around you and which you are making an active effort to focus on. For example:

  • Did you listen to  the news last night on television?
  • She was listening to music on her iPod when I walked in.
  • Mike listened to his teacher and then repeated what she had said.
  • 'Just listen to yourself! You talk such rubbish!', she said angrily.

Note that 'listen' is nearly always followed by 'to' - you listen to some sound.

Just to repeat an important point; listening is active - that is you are making an active effort to listen to the sound.

Hear  is used  for sounds that come to our ears, but we do not, unlike listen, need to be actively engaged in trying to listen to the sound - it can just come to your ears! For example:

  • Mike heard a bang in the night which woke him up.
  • She heard someone screaming and called the police.
  • I heard a loud explosion and then the building collapsed.

Note that 'hear' is not followed by 'to'. But, to make it a little more complicated let's look at this conversation:

  • 'Did you hear what I said', asked John's father.
  • 'No, I wasn't listening', replied John.
  • 'Well, if you don't listen you will never hear what I am telling you!'.

Now, that last sentence seems a little confused but also shows cleary how the two verbs are used - in this case, if John does not make an active effort to listen he will not hear his father's advice (even if he may have heard sounds his father was making!)

Where hear and listen may seem very close is when you hear something like:

  • Did you hear about Jane? She got married!
  • I heard about the accident but I didn't see it.

This is when information is passed to you from another source without you necessarily seeking it - in this case note that 'hear' is followed by 'about' - 'to hear about' something, someone or some action or event.
So, you can hear something without wanting to, but you can only listen to something intentionally.

Isnin, 7 Mei 2012


You can teach a student a lesson for a day; but if you can teach him to learn by creating curiosity, he will continue the learning process as long as he lives.  ~Clay P. Bedford

Tips Peperiksaan

  1. Anda tahu--tidak bermakna anda boleh jawab dengan betul. Cuba kurangkan kecuaian ketika menjawab kertas soalan.
  2. Baca ayat/perkataan satu per satu supaya anda tidak 'tertipu' dengan teknik/muslihat dalam setiap soalan.
  3. Jangan kecewa sekiranya anda mendapat keputusan yang agak teruk ketika percubaan peperiksaan. Biasanya peperiksaan sebenar agak berlainan daripada percubaan. Lakukan ulangkaji berkali-kali dan jangan lupa hafal formula!
  4. Belajar secara bijak, bukan secara memaksa.

Khamis, 16 Februari 2012


An acid is something that has a pH less than 7.0 .
Sometimes, the abbreviation HA is used to mean an acid.
The chemistry definition of an acid is: "a substance that donates a hydrogen ion (H+) to another substance, which is called a base. (Or give out hydrogen ions when dissolved in water.)"
Acids can be commonly found in nature. Some of these include:
Some acids are strong and others are weak. The weak acids hold on to some of their protons, while the strong acids let go of all of them. Weak acids generally have a pH value of 4-6 while strong acids have a pH value of 1-3.

source : wikipedia

Jumaat, 10 Februari 2012

5 Words

1 . explain   to give your reason for something, to make something clear
2.  eternity   never-ending period of time (noun)
3.  etiquette   correct way of behaving in society
4.  evasion   avoiding
5.  exemplify   to show as an example, to be an example

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